“The track is nothing short of exciting, as it is fueled by singer Dominique Teymouri’s seared vocals and her boyfriend...
“Lyalina is just as interested in creating lasting art, with her thoroughly on-point lyricism and vocal work, as she is...
Ordinary Noise’s sprawling new single ‘You Are Here’ is premiered by Consequence Of Sound. “It’s been a quick ascension for Colchester,...
“ ‘VHS’ serves as a perfect intro to this multifaceted style of production. A lofty yet fleeting intro quickly gives...
“Opening track ‘Annihilated’ distils those influences into a soaring ride that should appeal to fans of Jon Hopkins’ carefully crafted...
“Magical Mistakes takes Novo Amor into some refreshingly electronic pastures”. CLASH Listen here....
“‘White Gold’ sounds like Sting doing modern synth-pop, with its sleek production, the whoosh of chill effects and big, buoyant...
Cocteau Twins and founder of Bella Union, Simon Raymonde picks JINGO’s track ’45 Friends’ as TRACK OF THE WEEK on Amazing Radio....